
Theosophical Spiritual Experience – Part 1


Theosophical Spiritual Experience Part One. Everywhere that real theosophy is going on, an atmosphere of cheerful intelligence and serious calm prevails. Theosophists come together to study, meditate and seek guidance about the challenges presented by practicing living Theosophy. The developing Theosophist is taught to pose their question in an objective and impersonal way. Usually the question begins; “is there a teaching on this kind of experience?” Theosophy discourages “excited psychism”... Read More

Theosophy And Self Identity


Theosophy is the ancient wisdom spirituality that has spent most of its history hidden from public view. Known only to the secret brotherhoods of spiritual tradition theosophy has only been made available to the public a few times in the last two thousand years and then only under special social and cultural circumstances. A civilization must accept freedom of religious faith and hold scientific and philosophical truth as  ideals in... Read More

The Heart Of Theosophy


Anyone who looks into alternative religions or comparative forms of spirituality will quickly discover the existence of Theosophy. Those individuals who enjoy a critical and discerning intellect will recognize the appeal of Theosophy almost instantly. Combine this enquiring mind with a love of reading and you have yourself a student of Theosophy. This interest by itself still cant turn someone into an actual Theosophist. People who become truly involved in... Read More